Edinburgh - Next Edinburgh Event

Date: Thursday 25th April 2019
Time: 7:30am for 8:00am
Venue: Tigerlilly, George Street, Edinburgh


Building trust and protecting your brand online


It’s fair to say there has been a general erosion of trust with online content.  More than ever, consumers are wary of what they see online; recent exposure of data misuse, election interference and data breaches are making us all much more sceptical about the information that is put before us.  With this in mind, it is critical that we build trust, both in the brand and in the people behind the brand.

The April New Media Breakfast will look at how to build trust and how to achieve the level of transparency that is expected by consumers in 2019.



But, fake news and data manipulation are only a small part of the problem; now more than ever brands need to protect themselves online.  Businesses of every scale need to be aware of their intellectual property and how to protect it.  From copyright to trademarks and counterfeit products to lookalike goods, businesses of all sizes, especially those with a trusted brand, are targets for online criminals seeking to benefit from your good name.

We are delighted to welcome online brand protection expert, Rachel Jones, Founder and Managing Director of SnapDragon, who  will demonstrate how vulnerable businesses are to counterfeiters intent on stealing your intellectual property including, images, logos content and designs.  She will highlight what you can do to protect your business from counterfeiters and those who seek to disrupt your business and benefit from your hard-earned reputation.  Rachel will demonstrate how all businesses whether B2B or B2C, and even charities, are at risk of potential theft and misrepresentation.

The more brands understand, the easier they can defend themselves should they find themselves facing online issues.

Who Should Attend

Brand owners, brand managers and anyone posting content, product information or images online. Manufacturers, designers and lawyers involved in IP will all gain useful information from this presentation. In the true spirit of the New Media Breakfast, this will be valuable information sharing that will enlighten attendees about the potential risks and damage that can be done to your business and how you can defend yourself against possible online issues.


Gordon White, Managing Director at fatBuzz Ltd and Rachel Jones, Managing Director at SnapDragon will present this New Media Breakfast.

We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day. If you have found this post interesting please share it with your online community. Thank You.