Edinburgh - Next Edinburgh Event

Date: Thursday 27th September 2018
Time: 7:30am for 8:00am
Venue: Tigerlilly, George Street, Edinburgh
10 Essentials for marketing success


The September New Media Breakfasts will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the New Media Breakfast – yes it’s 10 years since we hosted the very first breakfast in Glasgow’s 29 Member’s Club.

We’ve covered lots of topics and welcomed literally thousands of attendees over the years and we thank everyone who has supported our events over the years.  We also hope you will come along to this breakfast and help us celebrate this special milestone.

10 Essentials for marketing success…

Whilst it is a celebration, we still want to be as useful to you as we hope all the previous breakfasts have been – but with a No.10 theme.  So, the September New Media Breakfast will explore 10 essential tools or activities that you need to consider to ensure marketing success in the future.  We’re not going to reveal what they are just yet, but we can assure you each of the 10 will be of interest to anyone in business, or in a marketing role within a business.

We will also take a look at some of the tools and technology that have influenced the last 10 years and what is likely influence your marketing efforts in the future.

Your FREE Gift…

As part of our celebration there will be a goodie bag with some free gifts for all attendees

Who Should Attend

Business owners or people in a marketing role within a business or charitable organisation. Indeed, anyone interested in finding out about the current and future essentials in marketing. And anyone who has been to any previous breakfast, we’d love to welcome you all back.


The breakfast will be presented by Gordon White, MD at fatBuzz Ltd and Tim Barlow, MD at Attacat Internet Marketing.  Gordon and Tim have been involved with the New Media Breakfast since its inception; they will share their thoughts on the 10 essentials for marketing success, but they will no doubt also share some highlights from the last 10 years as they go.

We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day. If you have found this post interesting please share it with your online community. Thank You.