Glasgow October 2018

Date: Friday 26th October 2018
Time: 7:30am for 8:00am
Venue: 29 Club, 29, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow
Powering Up Google Analytics with Data Studio


Google Analytics rocks.  But in many companies it still hasn’t earned the place in the boardroom it deserves.  However Google’s relatively new free product “Data Studio” is the catalyst that can change that for you.  It gives the ability to deliver the numbers that really matter to you and the rest of your management team.

We’ve covered Google Analytics almost every year over the ten year history of the New Media Breakfast and it remains a much requested topic.  So yes we will look at how to make the most of Google Analytics but we will dedicate the majority of this breakfast to covering Data Studio for the first time.

Data Studio allows you to create dashboards of the numbers.  You can pull all the metrics you look at regularly in Google Analytics into one screen.  That’s better but not altogether different to the custom dashboards feature in Google Analytics itself.  The key difference though is the ability to easily bring in data from sources other than Google Analytics.  That includes data from all your other systems as well as third party datasets.

Why is that exciting? For many reasons but the two we will focus on is:

  1. It gives the ability to report your marketing performance in the same language used in your boardroom
  2. You can include forecasts (so in essence you end up with Google Analytics data reported against business projections)

We’ll show you:

  • How someone with reasonable spreadsheet skills can pull data from Google Analytics and build Data Studio dashboards
  • The sort of numbers you might want to include in your Dashboard
  • How to create a forecast
  • a real time profit and loss dashboard example
  • The power of a single old school email

For those just interested in Google Analytics we will also discuss various features of Google Analytics (such as enhanced ecommerce and custom set-ups) as we go.  We will of course also cover off some of the basics as well as some of the new Google Analytics features worth diving into.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who is involved in marketing who wants to find out how to leverage the data from numerous sources in an easy to manage format.


Tim Barlow is managing director and founder of Attacat, a digital marketing agency in Edinburgh that is well renowned for helping innovative companies drive sales from search engines.  Tim has guided the New Media Breakfast audience through the maze of search engine marketing and other topics over the last 10+ years.

No.29 Members Go Free

If you are a 29 Member you can attend the breakfast free of charge. Please email with you membership number and he will add you to the attendance list.

We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day. If you have found this post interesting please share it with your online community. Thank You.