Winners, Losers and 2020 Vision

You can learn a great deal from success and failure, whether it’s a marketing campaign, business idea, advertising campaign or a service, what made it work, or caused it to fail can help you in the future.
The November New Media Breakfast will feature our traditional end-of-year look at some of the good, bad and downright ugly marketing initiatives from the past 12 months. We will also investigate what the main platforms have achieved and what changes have occurred, both for better and worse.
We will also be looking briefly at some festive season promotions and exploring what you can do to boost engagement, attract traffic and build trust at what is traditionally a very ‘noisy’ time of the year.
But what about the future?
As we fast approach 2020, we thought it would be useful to take a look at what’s trending in the digital world and some of the things you may wish to consider in the marketing mix next year.
Is there anything you’d like us to cover?
If there is any campaign or marketing initiative from this year that you’d like us to talk about, please feel free to email Gordon White, and we’ll be happy to consider it as part of the presentation.
The 2020 Calendar
We are now considering the New Media Breakfast topics for the following year, is there any topic you’d like us to discuss?
Please take a minute to complete our short survey which suggest some topics and provides a place for you to indicate the subject that you would find interesting during 2020. We are keen to bring you sessions that are useful to you and your business, so your help would be much appreciated.
Take the very short survey here.
This will be the final New Media Breakfast of 2019.
Who Should Attend
Anyone working in marketing, business development or running their own business will find this topic useful and interesting.
If you run or manage social channels, or if you are looking to get into marketing in the future, you should attend this breakfast session.
This New Media Breakfast session will be presented by Gordon White, Managing Director, fatBuzz Ltd.
No.29 Members Go Free
If you are a 29 Member you can attend the breakfast free of charge. Please email with you membership number and he will add you to the attendance list.
We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day. If you have found this post interesting please share it with your online community. Thank You.