29 Members Club, Glasgow
The Glasgow New Media Breakfast is usually held on the last Friday of evey month in 29 Members Club. Registration is from 7.30am and the presentation starts at around 8am.
Tea, Coffee and Bacon Rolls are provided and Egg Rolls are available by prior arrangement (please specify at time of booking).
The Glasgow event is a great place for networking and, whilst the presentation is usually scheduled to finish around 9-9.15am, many people take advantage of the opportunity to network and chat to fellow attendees.

Tigerlily, Edinburgh
The Edinburgh New Media Breakfast is run in partnership with WeDO Scotland, a support and collaboration organisation for business owners, founders and stakeholders.
WeDO Scotland is an exclusive membership organisation for business owners and founders, members meet regularly to share knowledge and ideas without fear of losing business or innovation to those they are sharing with. Their ethos is built upon helping businesses to grow, connecting their members, providing support for entrepreneurs, gaining access to funding sources and building long term and trusted relationships.
What WeDO Scotland do best is CONNECT … by connecting like-minds, collaborating ideas, sharing their experiences, giving access to their hands-on knowledge, facilitating introductions and doing business together, they offer an unrivalled service in Scotland.